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商业行为准则.docx 31页



Body Body Date总则/ 目录Table of 合法合规/ with Laws and 利益冲突/ of 礼品与利益/Gifts and 外部行为和董事任职/ and 内幕信息/ 保密信息/ 隐私权指引/Right to 计算机系统安全/ 雇用实践/ 环境/交易实践/Trade 保险实践/ 及时沟通/ 外部人员与机构关系处理/ with and 记录和报告/ and 公司资金/ Funds遵守准则/ with the Code总则/ 本准则广泛陈述了能使 xxx(以下统称“XXX”)持续成为最佳诚信公司的商业行为和个人道德类型。

如大家所知,公司是所有员工行为的共同载体。本准则提供了全体员工需遵守的正式行为指引。The Code sets out, in very broad terms, the type of which is of you in order for XXX( ‘XXX’) to to be as a of . As you well know, the is a of the of all of us who its . The Code is a means of on the which is of all our staff.XXX 在业务行为方面致力于达到法律和道德标准的最高准绳,希望成为并被认可为良好的企业法人和能够公平、公正地对待客户与员工的企业。

本准则的目的是帮助每一位员工了解应遵循什么样的行为方式,以及建立最低行为标准。本准则适用于全体员工以及代理人员(以下统称“员工”)。"直系亲属” 包括配偶、父母、岳父岳母和子女。所有员工要认真学习准则,依据准则行事,这样,XXX 才能持续地获得广大客户与公众的普遍信任和信心。XXX is to the level of legal and in the of its and to be and be known as a good and a which deals and with its and . This Code of is to each of the to know what is , and it sets out our of . The Code to all of XXX and ( “”). The words “ ” , and . All are to study the Code and to be by its so that XXX may to earn the trust and of its and the at large.以下是本准则的基本原则:The is the of the Code:遵守当地法律法规和职业行为标准;, in every in which we .为客户提供高标准的服务,尊重他们的利益,力求通过我们的服务来满足客户需要;We will high of to all of our , their and to meet their needs with the we to them.避免个人或财务的利益冲突,诚实道德地处理冲突并进行恰当披露;We will avoid or of and or and , all .不会因为给予或接受客户、供应商及其他与我们打交道的人的任何优惠待遇而妥协;We will not be any given to or from , or other with whom we deal.诚实、准确地与利益相关者沟通;We will and with all of our .对我们所在地区的社会与经济做出贡献。

We will to the and of the where we have .公平对待员工,支持他们持续学习和不断发展。We will treat our and their and .合法合规/ with Laws and 及其员工必须遵守中国的法律法规。XXX 业务需遵守非常复杂及多变的法律法规,任何员工在无法确定法律法规的适用性和解释时,应从合规与运营风险部或法务部获得帮助。XXX and its must with all laws and XXX's in China in which we . Our are to very and laws and and, if an is in doubt about the or of any legal and , the be to the & Risk and Legal.利益冲突/ of 员工需要注意,在其职权范围内采取的行动或做出的决定不能与 XXX 及其客户的利益相冲突。


are to see that taken and made by them their are free from the of any which might be as with the of XXX and its .相应地,必须恪守以下原则:In this the must be to:个人或外部活动不能直接或者间接与员工在 XXX 的职责相冲突。因此,员工应该避免任何与其工作职责发生或可能发生利益冲突的情形。 or must not , or , with an 's to XXX. , , avoid in which their , or are to , with their to XXX.员工不得参与可能导致以下情形的 XXX 外部的个人、商业及投资活动:No in a , or XXX which would tend花费过多的时间和注意力从而无法以最佳状态为其在XXX 的岗位服务;To an upon his or her time and and thus XXX of his or her best on the job; or造成利益冲突 - 这是指,可能妨碍其做出对 XXX 利益最大化的独立判断的义务,利益或其他干扰事项。

To a of - that is, an , or which would with the of his or her in XXX's best .员工个人行为、商业活动或者其他外部行为与 XXX 的商业利益,或与其已知的 XXX 正在酝酿的业务发生或具有潜在利益冲突时,必须及时地向其直接主管汇报。An who has a or his or her , or other and any of XXX or any which he or she knows is under by XXX must make in that to his or her .礼品与利益/Gifts and 员工及其直系亲属不得接受或赠与任何正在与 XXX 从事业务或进行商务谈判的人员的礼品和好处。

赠与或收受礼品和好处必须符合 XXX《礼品政策》。这个规则并不是禁止正常的和广泛接受的地方商业惯例,比如商务用餐和招待,包括纪念品或有象征性意义的礼物。然而,任何可能被认为是贿赂和暗中给付的行为是被禁止的。应当避免存有疑点的礼品和好处。员工尤其要防止因为产生感激之情而影响业务判断的情形发生。 and the of their must nor be a party to gifts and favor from or to any one with whom XXX is doing or . The of gift and favor and must with the Gift of XXX. This rule is not to and such as meals and , or gifts of value. , which could as a or is . If in doubt, the gift or favor be . In , guard any where their might be by a of .对供应商,承包人及其他任何被 XXX 确定为供货商或服务商的公司和或个人的选择须遵守 XXX 采购政策,并且只能基于最优价格、高性能和诚信做出决定。

在考虑签署此类合同或采购物品或服务的过程中,绝对不能接受礼品、好处及其他个人利益与优惠。The of , and any other firms or by XXX for the of goods or is to be made in with XXX's and on of the best price, and . Gifts and and other or must not in of the of such or the of goods or .外部行为和董事任职/ and 员工有为 XXX 赢得良好公共关系的职责。

员工帮助慈善及教育活动可以给 XXX 带来良好声誉,应该得到鼓励。 of XXX have a very real for good . Their to help with and has great to XXX and be and .在某些情况下,员工担任企业董事与 XXX 利益可能是一致的。担任外部企业董事必须经过 XXX 总经理事先同意。然而,任何有损员工履行其在 XXX 的职责能力的外部活动,或与工作职责冲突的情况都应避免。如果对员工是否正在考虑上述外部行为抱有疑问,应立即向部门负责人汇报。In some cases, it may be with XXX's for to serve on the of . Prior to serve on the board of an must be from the . , any which an 's to to , or which




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